I am a Regional Director for BIRTHFIT in Grove City, PA where I reside with my family. I started my journey with BIRTHFIT when I first got pregnant with my daughter, Genevieve, as a participant. I did the online training program and thought it was very useful in my pregnancy. I was able to work on patients up until the day I went into labor (two weeks late) and I labored and delivered naturally, without the aid of an epidural or any pain medication. I was also able to maintain a pain free and fully mobile workout routine and yoga practice up until delivery. After delivery, I decided to do the post partum online plan. These routines are pretty intense and my husband even did a few with me! I finally decided to do a BIRTHFIT Professional seminar in May 2018. It was a fantastic opportunity and I was able to meet an inspiring group of like-minded colleagues. It also introduced me to Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization, which is what the BIRTHFIT functional progressions are based off. It is fitting that DNS uses developmental movements that we see as babies learn to become mobile. I will be attending the BIRTHFIT Coach seminar this April with Mikayla. To keep updated on current classes at BIRTHFIT Grove City click here.
The functional progressions are helpful in learning to recruit deep core musculature. The true core is your thorax or torso from your neck to your pelvic floor. Key muscles in this area are the diaphragm, pelvic floor, internal and external obliques, lumbar erector spinae group, transverse and rectus abdominus. All movements are translated through the core, which makes it a key player in accommodating the demands that pregnancy puts on our bodies and restoring our post partum bodies. Some signs that you may have a dysfunctional core:
Pelvic floor dysfunction (incontinence, leakage, vaginal or rectal prolapses, pain with intercourse)
Flared ribs and chest breathing
Diastasis recti
Lower back pain
Neck pain
Poor posture
BIRTHFIT is a movement and approach to birth. It addresses the needs of women that are hoping to get pregnant, are pregnant, and are post partum. It encompasses the motherhood transition and respects the fact that post partum is forever. It is never too late to start. BIRTHFIT has four pillars; chiropractic, fitness, nutrition, and mindset. I have utilized Webster technique and treated pregnant patients in my office for years, but adding in the other pillars helps to give women a complete and well-rounded toolbox for their motherhood transition. The interesting thing about BIRTHFIT is that they encourage you to find a network of healthcare professionals and birth workers to support women and refer out to make sure they get the absolute best care. I decided to become involved formally because I think there is a need in my community; education on options for birth, pre and postpartum rehab, and preparing both physically and mentally for the entire motherhood transition.